Web Site Optimization
Web Analytics
Usability Analysis
Conversion Optimization

Usability Analysis

Everyone creates a web site for a reason. Perhaps you simply want an online brochure of your company. Or you are selling your goods and/or services online. No matter what you had in mind when you designed your site you wanted your visitors to get something out of your web. How easy it is for visitors to navigate your web site and accomplish what you want them to do is considered its usability. And usability analysis can help determine whether the design of your web site is matching with your desired goals for the site.

Usability analysis of your web site will give you a new perspective on what a skilled outside observer sees when they look at your web site. When you are engrossed in your web site and especially if you designed the site in the first place it can be very difficult to take an objective look at things from a user perspective. Having an person who is emotionally detached from the site provide an in depth analysis of its usability can be an eye opening experience.

A usability analysis of your web site from DigitalTrails Marketing will provide you with an in-depth commentary on your site’s usability and actionable suggestions on how to improve the site immediately. And our effort is not to totally redesign the entire web site, unless that is what you want, but rather to use the existing design, look and feel of the site and work within that framework. Many times seemingly minor changes to a site can have a huge impact on the performance of the site.

Our usability analysis incorporates any web analytics data and visitor behavior into our own analysis that looks at every page in your site. The focus of the analysis is on getting visitors to the goal you desire without making drastic changes to the existing design.

Let DigitalTrails Marketing provide you with a free quotation on performing usability analysis for your site. You will be surprised how affordable an analysis can be.